Caring For Your Baby’s Bodily Needs – Part Five

This article covers topics such as: The Right Touch: The Art Of Infant Massage, Why Massage?, touch stimulates growth-promoting substances, touch promotes brain growth, touch improves digestion, touch improves behavior, touch promotes baby’s self-esteem, touch helps parents, special touches for special babies, Learning the Right Touch, get ready, get set, go. This is the last part on this article. I hope you found all the parts and enjoyed them.

The high-maintenance stage of the first two years is often tedious,Guest Posting sometimes fun, but it’s also a chance to get to know your baby. In this article you will find practical ways to take good care of your baby — and enjoy it.

The Right Touch: The Art Of Infant Massage

It’s one of life’s simple pleasures (massage has long been enjoyed by adults), and research is showing that babies grow better and act better when they are on the receiving end of the right touch. Infant massage is a skin-to-skin connection that helps parents and baby better read each other’s body language — without saying a word.

Why Massage?

Besides the fact that it is just plain fun to touch your baby, infant massage helps babies grow and develop better. Other cultures highly value touch to help babies grow. In some Eastern societies a mother is expected to give her baby a daily massage. One of the most exciting areas of research is the connection between touch and growth. Touched babies thrive and here’s why.

Touch stimulates growth-promoting substances.
Health care providers have long known that babies who are touched a lot grow better, and now there is search to back up this observation. There seems to be a biological connection between stroking, massaging, and grooming infants and their growth. Touch stimulates growth-promoting hormones and increases the enzymes that make the cells of the vital organs more responsive to the growth-promoting effects of these hormones. For example, premature infants in a “grower nursery,” where they can gain needed weight, showed 47 percent more weight gain when they received extra touch.

Animal researchers have recognized the connection between a mother animal’s licking her offspring and how well her babies grow. When new born pups were deprived their mothers’ frequent licking (equivalent to in massage), the level of growth hormone decreased, and the pups stopped growing. Even injecting growth hormone into the untouched pups would not cause them to grow. Only when the mother animal’s touching and licking were restarted did the pups resume their growth.

Researchers have found that human babies, too, when deprived of touch showed decreased growth hormone and developed a condition called psychosocial dwarfism; even more amazingly they also did not grow when given injections of growth hormone. Only when given human touch did these infants grow. This finding implies that touch causes something beneficial to occur at the cellular level that makes the cells respond to growth hormone. Yes, there is something, magical about a parent’s touch.

Touch promotes brain growth.
Not only is touch good for the body, it’s good for the mind. Studies show that newborns receiving extra touch display enhanced neurological development. Why this smart connection? Researchers believe that touch promotes the growth of myelin, the insulating material around nerves that makes nerve impulses travel faster.

Touch improves digestion.
Babies receiving extra touch show enhanced secretion of digestive hormones. Researchers believe that this is another reason that touched infants grow better. It seems that touch makes the babies’ digestive system more efficient. Babies with colic caused by the irritable colon

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Acupuncture: Questions and Answers with an Expert

In April 2003,Guest Posting I was interviewed by Anupam Sharma, a journalist with the magazine from India, Fourth Dimension, which reaches 171,000 readers monthly both there and abroad. I thought you’d like to read it, because I answered a lot of the commonly asked questions about acupuncture that I haven’t written about on the Pulse of Oriental Medicine (, and because you probably won’t be able to get that magazine.

Anupam Sharma (AS): Dr. Brian Carter, Thank you for the prompt reply and agreeing to do this interview. Tell me, doctor, how does Acupuncture work? Please explain the science behind this traditional method of healing

Brian B. Carter (BBC): Acupuncture is based on Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine (CM) has its own system of diagnosis and treatment, and acupuncture is only one therapy within that medicine. Those who have developed CM since before 2500 B.C. (when our first literary work, the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine, was written) used both symptoms and signs to diagnose disease before treating it. They developed a unique form of diagnosis called ‘pattern differentiation.’ Patterns are sets of specific symptoms and signs. For us, finding the signs includes the feeling the pulse and looking at the tongue.

For acupuncture specifically, there is also diagnosis according to the channels. It’s actually a very complicated system of theories… not as simple as it first seems. That complexity allows for a sophisticated flexibility in diagnosis and treatment that can adapt to most clinical situations. According to modern science, acupuncture works via the immune and nervous systems. It has local peripheral nervous system and central nervous system effects. Professor and physicist Zang-hee Cho has begun to use PET scans to map the brain loci affected by specific acupuncture points. Acupuncture affects neurons, electrolytes, neuro-transmitters, and neuropeptides. But even once all that data is in, the traditional system of channels and pattern differentiation will still be the clearest map of how acupuncture works. The biomedical view of physical phenomena is not always well-integrated.

My best analogy is that your brain is a computer, and the acupuncture points are the keyboard; you do the right points, and that tells the brain how to change the configuration of the mind and body.

AS: In which diseases is acupuncture the most effective?

BBC: Most people are familiar with acupuncture’s effectiveness for pain. Most importantly for pain, it can prevent chronic pain syndromes where the nervous system still produces pain signals even in the absence of the original problem. In 1997, the NIH came up with a list of diseases for which the scientific literature supported efficacy, which included nausea and vomiting, pain, tennis elbow, menstrual cramps, and fibromyalgia.

That list was much shorter than what acupuncture has traditionally treated, of course. Since 1997, even more studies have shown effectiveness for early post-stroke, acute spinal cord injury, as an adjunct in alcoholism, labor pain, migraine, post-surgical nausea and vomiting, and as part of a smoking cessation program. These are the highest quality studies: randomized placebo-controlled trials (RCT’s) with more than 33 subjects per group. There are plenty more studies that don’t meet that high standard, but still may offer valuable insights for clinical practice.

There is currently a study of acupuncture for high blood pressure going on at Harvard, and early reports are that it’s very effective. I personally got a diabetic man disqualified from his free blood pressure medication study with a modern Chinese point prescription. Our weekly acupuncture treatments brought his blood pressure down below the study’s minimum requirement. Acupuncture also is great for a number of psychological conditions. There are 17 other RCT’s currently ongoing, all funded by the National Institutes of Health.

AS: Do you think that the modern western medicine has failed in curing certain kind of diseases like backaches, mental tension, or headaches?

BBC: It always depends on the cause. For backaches, we need an x-ray to see if the spine is involved. For a backache or headache due to a tumor, I would certainly want MRI’s and CT scans, and surgery. Of course, for cancer, we can do drug or Chinese herb chemotherapy. Or you can do drug chemo with supportive herbs to boost the immune system. For headaches, acetaminophen, aspirin, and NSAID’s are very useful, though acetaminophen is the leading cause of liver failure in hospitals, and NSAID’s can cause stomach ulcers. The new triptan drugs for migraines are very helpful for the acute migraine, but may not be as good as acupuncture and herbs for preventing recurrence. For any stubborn problems, or those for which western medicine cannot find the cause, acupuncture and herbs are superior.

As far as mental tension or stress goes, acupuncture and herbs work wonders. Western medicine uses sedatives and antidepressants. Most people don’t want to be sedated, some antidepressants have debilitating side effects like impotence, and others are difficult to come off of safely… some even will create a dependency of sorts such that you get a rebound depression after you’ve been off of them for a number of months.

AS: Alternative healing methods like yoga and meditation and acupuncture becoming more popular among the people in the west? If yes, why?

A lot of people like yoga because it’s physical. Meditation is hard for fast-paced noisy-headed Americans. Most people say they just can’t stop thinking. They don’t realize that they’re always thinking like that. We’re over-stimulated here.

Acupuncture is nice because it helps you stop thinking, reduces anxiety, produces calmness. You can meditate while the needles are in. Acupuncture is more popular here than Chinese herbs are because more MD’s accept it. There’s enough scientific evidence, and a number of MD’s are practicing acupuncture full-time. Americans still don’t understand herbal formulas, or the system of medicine that underpins Chinese herbs. They’re used to going to a health food store and buying the latest single herb for a single symptom. And there aren’t enough Chinese style herbalists in the U.S. to expose everyone to it yet.

AS: How long have you practiced acupuncture?

BBC: I’ve only been practicing a few years. I follow the idea that we need to learn true classical Chinese medicine before we can innovate intelligently, so I have a couple of mentors (Philippe Sionneau and Robert Chu) who have been practicing for about 10 years each. The formal school education is just the beginning. Our generation has a lot of translating to do to get Chinese medicine into English. Probably less than 1% of the literature has been translated. We have some of the most important and basic works, but we still have a lot to learn.

My job as I see it is to be a communicator. I have written hundreds of articles on my site (The Pulse of Oriental Medicine, and in other magazines that have reached more than 100,000 English-speaking patients. I have books and radio appearances in the works. There’s too much for any one of us to know everything, so I keep in touch with a broad range of experts – translators, scholars, MD’s, authors, so that I’m speaking authentically and accurately.

AS: Do you think acupuncture offers a better treatment than the allopathic medicine? If yes, then why isn’t it as popular as the latter?

BBC: Even in its country of origin, Chinese medicine has lost som

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